Submission #1218300

Source Code Expand

#include <algorithm>  
#include <iostream>  
#include <sstream>  
#include <string>  
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>  
#include <queue>  
#include <set>  
#include <map>  
#include <cstdio>  
#include <cstdlib>  
#include <cctype>  
#include <cmath>  
#include <list>  
#include <cassert>
#include <ctime>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;  
#define PB push_back  
#define MP make_pair  
#define SZ(v) ((int)(v).size())  
#define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<(b);++i)  
#define REP(i,n) FOR(i,0,n)  
#define FORE(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);++i)  
#define REPE(i,n) FORE(i,0,n)  
#define FORSZ(i,a,v) FOR(i,a,SZ(v))  
#define REPSZ(i,v) REP(i,SZ(v))  
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
ll gcd(ll a,ll b) { return b==0?a:gcd(b,a%b); }
const int MAXN=400000;
const int MAXQ=50000;
const int SZ=400;
const int MAXB=(MAXEMP+SZ-1)/SZ;
int n,nq,nemp;
int par[MAXEMP],oval[MAXEMP]; bool alive[MAXEMP];
int qt[MAXQ],qemp[MAXQ],qd[MAXQ],qby[MAXQ];
int chead[MAXEMP],cnxt[MAXEMP];
int d[MAXEMP],lid[MAXEMP],rid[MAXEMP],emp[MAXEMP],nid;
void dfs(int at) {
	d[at]=par[at]==-1?0:d[par[at]]+1; emp[nid]=at,lid[at]=nid++;
	for(int to=chead[at];to!=-1;to=cnxt[to]) dfs(to);
int pos[MAXEMP];
int sd[MAXEMP];

typedef struct S {
	int n,id;
	ll val[2*SZ]; int lazy[2*SZ]; int cnt[2*SZ];

	inline void push(int x) {
		if(lazy[x]==0) return;
	inline void calc(int x) {
	inline void apply(int x,int by) {
	inline void build(int _id,int _n,int* sval,int* scnt) {
		id=_id; n=_n; assert(n<=SZ);
		REP(i,n) val[n+i]=scnt[i]?sval[i]:0,cnt[n+i]=scnt[i];
		for(int i=n-1;i>0;--i) calc(i);
	void incrange(int l,int r,int by) {
		//printf("%d: incrange(%d,%d,%d)\n",id,l,r,by);
		int oldl=l,oldr=r;
		{ int h=0; while((l>>h)>1) ++h; for(;h>0;--h) push(l>>h); }
		{ int h=0; while((r>>h)>1) ++h; for(;h>0;--h) push(r>>h); }
		for(++r;l<r;l>>=1,r>>=1) {
			if(l&1) apply(l++,by);
			if(r&1) apply(--r,by);
		for(int idx=oldl>>1;idx>0;idx>>=1) calc(idx);
		for(int idx=oldr>>1;idx>0;idx>>=1) calc(idx);
		//if(id==1) { FOR(i,1,2*n) printf("\t%d: val=%lld lazy=%d cnt=%d\n",i,val[i],lazy[i],cnt[i]); }
	void setpoint(int idx,int sval) {
		//printf("%d: setpoint(%d,%d)\n",id,idx,sval);
		{ int h=0; while((idx>>h)>1) ++h; for(;h>0;--h) push(idx>>h); }
		for(idx>>=1;idx>0;idx>>=1) calc(idx);
	ll get(int l,int r) {
		//printf("%d: get(%d,%d)\n",id,l,r);
		{ int h=0; while((l>>h)>1) ++h; for(;h>0;--h) push(l>>h); }
		{ int h=0; while((r>>h)>1) ++h; for(;h>0;--h) push(r>>h); }
		ll ret=0;
		for(++r;l<r;l>>=1,r>>=1) {
			if(l&1) ret+=val[l++];
			if(r&1) ret+=val[--r];
		return ret;
} S;
S s[MAXB];

pair<int,int> tmp[SZ];
int tval[SZ],tcnt[SZ];
void build() {
	for(int i=0;i<nemp;i+=SZ) {
		int cnt=min(SZ,nemp-i);
		REP(j,cnt) tmp[j]=MP(d[emp[i+j]],emp[i+j]);
		REP(j,cnt) sd[i+j]=tmp[j].first,pos[tmp[j].second]=i+j;
		REP(j,cnt) tval[j]=oval[tmp[j].second],tcnt[j]=alive[tmp[j].second]?1:0; s[i/SZ].build(i/SZ,min(SZ,nemp-i),tval,tcnt);
	//REP(i,nemp) printf("%d: emp=%d d=%d pos=%d oval=%d\n",i,emp[i],d[emp[i]],pos[emp[i]],oval[emp[i]]);
	//REP(i,nemp) printf(" %d",sd[i]); puts("");
ll query1(int idx,int ld,int rd) {
	if(!alive[idx]||d[idx]<ld||d[idx]>=rd) return 0;
	return s[pos[idx]/SZ].get(pos[idx]%SZ,pos[idx]%SZ);
ll queryb(int idx,int ld,int rd) {
	int bl=idx*SZ,br=min(nemp,(idx+1)*SZ);
	int l=lower_bound(sd+bl,sd+br,ld)-sd;
	if(l>=br||sd[l]>=rd) return 0;
	int r=lower_bound(sd+bl,sd+br,rd)-sd;
	//printf("->%d..%d (%d,%d)\n",l,r-1,bl,br);
	return s[idx].get(l%SZ,(r-1)%SZ);
ll query(int lid,int rid,int ld,int rd) {
	ll ret=0;
	while(lid<rid&&lid%SZ!=0) ret+=query1(emp[lid++],ld,rd);
	while(lid<rid&&rid%SZ!=0) ret+=query1(emp[--rid],ld,rd);
	while(lid<rid) ret+=queryb(lid/SZ,ld,rd),lid+=SZ;
	return ret;
void update1(int idx,int ld,int rd,int by) {
	if(!alive[idx]||d[idx]<ld||d[idx]>=rd) return;
void updateb(int idx,int ld,int rd,int by) {
	int bl=idx*SZ,br=min(nemp,(idx+1)*SZ);
	int l=lower_bound(sd+bl,sd+br,ld)-sd;
	if(l>=br||sd[l]>=rd) return;
	int r=lower_bound(sd+bl,sd+br,rd)-sd;
	return s[idx].incrange(l%SZ,(r-1)%SZ,by);
void update(int lid,int rid,int ld,int rd,int by) {
	while(lid<rid&&lid%SZ!=0) update1(emp[lid++],ld,rd,by);
	while(lid<rid&&rid%SZ!=0) update1(emp[--rid],ld,rd,by);
	while(lid<rid) updateb(lid/SZ,ld,rd,by),lid+=SZ;
void born(int idx) {
	assert(!alive[idx]); alive[idx]=true;
ll ans[MAXQ];
void solve() {
	REP(i,nemp) chead[i]=-1; REP(i,nemp) if(par[i]!=-1) cnxt[i]=chead[par[i]],chead[par[i]]=i;
	nid=0; dfs(0); build();
	REP(i,nq) {
		if(qt[i]==1) update(lid[qemp[i]],rid[qemp[i]]+1,d[qemp[i]],d[qemp[i]]+qd[i]+1,qby[i]);
		if(qt[i]==2) ans[i]=query(lid[qemp[i]],rid[qemp[i]]+1,d[qemp[i]],d[qemp[i]]+qd[i]+1);
		if(qt[i]==3) born(qemp[i]);
void run() {
	scanf("%d%d",&n,&nq); nemp=n;
	REP(i,n) scanf("%d%d",&par[i],&oval[i]),alive[i]=true;
	REP(i,nq) {
		if(qt[i]==1) scanf("%d%d%d",&qemp[i],&qd[i],&qby[i]);
		if(qt[i]==2) scanf("%d%d",&qemp[i],&qd[i]);
		if(qt[i]==3) scanf("%d%d",&par[nemp],&oval[nemp]),alive[nemp]=false,qemp[i]=nemp++;
	REP(i,nq) if(qt[i]==2) printf("%lld\n",ans[i]);
void stress() {
	REP(x,10) {
		n=MAXN; nq=MAXQ;
		par[0]=-1; FOR(i,1,n) par[i]=i<n/10?i-1:(rand()*1000+rand())%(n/10); REP(i,n) oval[i]=rand()%1000+1,alive[i]=true; nemp=n;
		REP(i,nq) {
			if(qt[i]==1) qemp[i]=0,qd[i]=rand()%(n/10),qby[i]=rand()%1000+1;
			if(qt[i]==2) qemp[i]=0,qd[i]=rand()%(n/10);
			if(qt[i]==3) qemp[i]=nemp,par[nemp]=(rand()*1000+rand())%(n/10),oval[nemp]=rand()%1000+1,alive[nemp]=false,++nemp;
		clock_t begin = clock();
		//printf("%d %d\n",n,nq);
		//REP(i,n) printf("%d %d\n",par[i],oval[i]);
		//REP(i,nq) if(qt[i]==1) printf("%d %d %d %d\n",qt[i],qemp[i],qd[i],qby[i]); else if(qt[i]==2) printf("%d %d %d\n",qt[i],qemp[i],qd[i]); else if(qt[i]==3) printf("%d %d %d\n",qt[i],par[qemp[i]],oval[qemp[i]]);
		//REP(i,nq) if(qt[i]==2) printf("%lld\n",ans[i]); exit(0);
		printf("%.9lf\n",double(clock() - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
int main() {
	return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task G - Get the Salary of Atcoder
User krijgertje
Language C++14 (GCC 5.4.1)
Score 1450
Code Size 6918 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 2193 ms
Memory 46592 KB

Compile Error

./Main.cpp: In function ‘void run()’:
./Main.cpp:191:22: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
  scanf("%d%d",&n,&nq); nemp=n;
./Main.cpp:192:55: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
  REP(i,n) scanf("%d%d",&par[i],&oval[i]),alive[i]=true;
./Main.cpp:194:21: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
./Main.cpp:195:55: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
   if(qt[i]==1) scanf("%d%d%d",&qemp[i],&qd[i],&qby[i]);
./Main.cpp:196:45: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const ch...

Judge Result

Set Name Subtask1 Subtask2 Subtask3 Subtask4
Score / Max Score 170 / 170 310 / 310 380 / 380 590 / 590
AC × 1
AC × 1
AC × 2
AC × 6
Set Name Test Cases
Subtask1 sub1_in1.txt
Subtask2 sub2_in1.txt
Subtask3 sub3_in1.txt, sub3_in2.txt
Subtask4 sub1_in1.txt, sub2_in1.txt, sub3_in1.txt, sub3_in2.txt, sub4_in1.txt, sub4_in2.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
sub0_in1.txt AC 5 ms 18688 KB
sub0_in2.txt AC 5 ms 18688 KB
sub1_in1.txt AC 8 ms 18944 KB
sub2_in1.txt AC 1812 ms 46592 KB
sub3_in1.txt AC 163 ms 33408 KB
sub3_in2.txt AC 884 ms 39680 KB
sub4_in1.txt AC 155 ms 33408 KB
sub4_in2.txt AC 2193 ms 39808 KB